Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Shoulder Replacement

Shoulder replacement surgery is an option for treatment of severe arthritis of the shoulder joint. Arthritis affects the cartilage of the joints and as the cartilage begins to wear away, the protective lining between the bones is lost. This creates painful bone on bone rubbing and can even cause restriction of motion. Once cleared for active range of motion after surgery, it is important to start work on regaining full use of the joint. Using a Shoulder Dynasplint® System, a patient can work on raising their arm up and down and side to side. The Dynasplint® System provides a low amount of tension to create a gradual stretch to the shortened muscles and tendons. If you have had shoulder replacement surgery and are left with shoulder stiffness, you may want to consider using a dynamic splint to aid in your recovery process.

After surgery, you will be moved into the recovery room where you will stay for approximately two hours. During this time, you will be monitored until you awaken from anesthesia, at which time you will be taken to your hospital room. Your operated arm will be numb from the regional anesthesia, which also can provide good pain relief for the next day. Another side effect of the anesthesia is that you will not be able to move the fingers or wrist on the operated arm.

Typically, you will stay in the hospital for two to three days, but this depends on each individual and how quickly he or she progresses. After surgery, you may feel some pain that will be managed with medication to make you feel as comfortable as possible. This will be given either by injection or pump and should be used as needed. To avoid lung congestion after surgery, you should breathe deeply and cough frequently to clear your lungs.
A Cryocyff, an icing device that will help control pain and swelling, will be placed on your shoulder in the recovery room. You will be able to bring this device home with you and should use it frequently to minimize any discomfort you experience. In some instances, the insurance company may not approve the use of a Cryocyff, in which case we will use ice packs instead.

Your arm will be in a sling for four to six weeks after surgery. If you have regional anesthesia, it will take 12 to 18 hours to wear off, during which time your hand and arm will be numb. When you are able to move your hand, begin making a fist and holding it for five seconds. This small exercise helps to keep your blood circulating and should be done frequently.

For More Information visit the following website:

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