Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Heart surgery cost in India at Chennai at low cost

Open-heart surgery is any kind of surgery in which a surgeon makes a large incision (cut) in the chest to open the rib cage and operate on the heart. "Open" refers to the chest, not the heart. Depending on the type of surgery, the surgeon also may open the heart. Open-heart surgery is used to bypass blocked arteries in the heart, repair or replace heart valves, treat atrial fibrillation, and do heart transplants. Increasing numbers of surgeons have started to use off-pump, or beating heart, surgery to do CABG. This approach is like traditional open-heart surgery, but surgeons don't use a heart-lung bypass machine. Off-pump heart surgery isn't right for all patients. Heart surgery is used to treat people who have severe heart diseases and conditions.
Heart surgery is used to treat heart failure and coronary artery disease. It's also used to fix heart valves that don't work right, to regulate heart rhythms, and to replace a damaged heart with a healthy one.

Theprocedure for beating heart or “off-pump” surgery is essentially the same asthe on pump surgery, but the flow of blood through the body is maintained by the heart during the procedure. Instead of using a heart-lung machine, the heart continues to beat but the area being grafted is held still by surgical instruments. Approximately 20% of first time CABG patients have off pump surgery.

Pros of Off Pump Open Heart Surgery:

Ø  The heart is moving, slowing surgery
Ø  Less blood loss and fewer transfusions
Ø  Decreased risk of stroke
Ø  Decreased length of hospital stay
Ø  Less expensive
Cons of Off Pump Open Heart Surgery:
Ø  Up to 70% of patients ineligible due to anatomy or medical condition
Ø  Rarely performed on an unstable patient

India has no parallels in healthcare when it comes to cost effective treatments in comparison with other countries. Significant cost differences exist among US, UK and South Asian countries. That gives India a certain edge when it comes to reasonable medical treatments. No matter what procedure you undergo, you are sure to save 85% to 95% of healthcare costs. The following table would further enhance the cost difference, which as under: 

Procedure                                       USA($)                  UK($)                INDIA ($)
Open heart surgery (CABG)            90,000                    55,000               7,500


Heart Surgery and Procedures:

Ø  Beating Heart Surgery
Ø  Open Heart Surgery
Ø  Angiographies
Ø  Angioplasties
Ø  Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
Ø  Pediatric Intervention
Ø  Cardiology Robotic Surgery
Ø  Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery
Ø  Peripheral Vascular Surgery
Ø  Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
Ø  Aortic Aneurysm Surgery
Ø  Arrhythmia Surgery
Ø  Pediatric Surgery
Ø  Valve Surgery
Ø  Repair of Adult Coarctation
Ø  Redo Tetralogy
The most invasive procedure is Open Heart Surgery. If diet and exercise are not effective in treating heart disease, medication is usually prescribed. If the heart disease still persists in causing pain, an invasive procedure is usually performed. There are several types of procedures that may be used to improve blood supply to the heart.

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